NMU’s vice-chancellor encourages graduates to use qualifications to make a difference

NMU vice-chancellor Professor Sibongile Muthwa, speaking at the institution’s graduation ceremonies, encouraged graduates to serve society
FINAL ADVICE: NMU vice-chancellor Professor Sibongile Muthwa, speaking at the institution’s graduation ceremonies, encouraged graduates to serve society

It is more than a piece of paper, it is  a means to make a difference. 

A simple yet impactful statement by Nelson Mandela University vice-chancellor Professor Sibongile Muthwa set the tone for the institution’s 19 graduation ceremonies taking place over the next two weeks.

Muthwa encouraged graduates to use their hard earned qualifications to go beyond simply making a living for themselves and to display social consciousness and responsible citizenship.

“As graduates of Nelson Mandela University, you are called upon to be champions of equality, equity, diversity and social justice,” Muthwa said.

“Our community-based ethos across all our disciplines aims to cultivate civic minded graduates who can compete globally, but who also have a deep passion to change the lives of the vulnerable.

“To this end, you have not only received a world class education, but we have prepared you for life and the future world of work, which we trust has also helped to transform you into conscious, compassionate, responsible, ethical professionals and leaders who will play their part in changing the world.”

Muthwa was speaking at the opening ceremony at the Madibaz Indoor Centre on Thursday, where the first of more than 7,000 students, including 49 doctorates, received their qualifications.

She applauded graduates for having succeeded in their academic journey, despite challenges along the way.

“You have triumphed and proven your ability to succeed despite a myriad of challenges, including the coronavirus pandemic, the socioeconomic challenges we are facing as a country and globally and, of course, your own personal obstacles and challenges that come with being a student.

“Graduation is but one of many milestones on your life’s journey.

“You now need to set your sights on the next milestone you want to achieve.”

Muthwa congratulated the graduates on behalf of chancellor Dr Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, the university council under the chair of ambassador Nozipho January-Bardill, the Senate and the entire NMU community.

“Your success is our success ... it is a team effort.

“Your graduation is an indication that both the academics who nurtured and supported you, as well as yourselves as students have fulfilled your respective roles and obligations with diligence and distinction,” she said.



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