Health MEC visits new parents and their New Year’s Day bundles of joy

Eastern Cape health MEC Nomakhosazana Meth chats to one of the mothers whose babies were born on January 1 at Dora Nginza Hospital in Gqeberha
GIFT OF LIFE: Eastern Cape health MEC Nomakhosazana Meth chats to one of the mothers whose babies were born on January 1 at Dora Nginza Hospital in Gqeberha

New Years Day was filled with excitement for many new moms and dads as 200 baby boys and girls were born in public healthcare facilities in the Eastern Cape, bringing joy to their parents on the first day of 2024.

It was, however, a decrease from last years 239 babies born on January 1.

Of the 2024 cohort, 104 were girls, and 96 boys.

Eastern Cape health MEC Nomakhosazana Meth visited the New Year’s Day bundles of joy and their parents at Dora Nginza Hospital on Tuesday and handed over care packages to the new mothers.

The packages included clothing, nappies, baby lotion and wipes, among other essentials.

“We are blessed to have so many bundles of joy,” Meth said.

“We congratulate the mothers, doctors, midwives, nurses and other healthcare workers on the safe delivery of these precious gifts from God.”

The Nelson Mandela Bay metro came in third with the number of babies born on January 1 in the Eastern Cape.

The number of New Year's babies per district were: Alfred Nzo (32); Amathole (20); Buffalo City Metro (22); Chris Hani (22); Joe Gqabi (17); Nelson Mandela Bay (30); OR Tambo (43); and Sarah Baartman (14).

Meth said they were, however, concerned about the number of young girls falling pregnant each year.

Of the new mothers, 49 were aged 14-19, while 151 were women aged 20 and older, she said.

“We are calling on everyone to play their part in fighting the scourge of unplanned and teenage pregnancy,” she said.

“Though a child is never a curse and always a blessing, we continue to talk to our people to say let’s try to teach our young ones to wait a bit until they are ready for these gifts so that they become the full joy they are supposed to be.”




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