State seizes vehicle used to transport drugs

A vehicle has been forfeited to the state after drugs were discovered in the boot of the car during a roadblock near Makhanda
VEHICLE SEIZED: A vehicle has been forfeited to the state after drugs were discovered in the boot of the car during a roadblock near Makhanda

The Makhanda high court has granted the asset forfeiture unit (AFU) an  order worth more than R60,000 against a driver allegedly found with 218 Mandrax tablets in the boot of his car.

According to Hawks spokesperson Warrant Officer Ndiphiwe Mhlakuvana, at about 6pm on February 5, members of the Makhanda police highway patrol team were conducting a roadblock near Seven Fountains when they stopped a blue Mercedes-Benz.

They members asked to search the vehicle belonging to the driver, Chuma Gqokoma, 33.

“Upon searching the vehicle, they discovered 218 Mandrax tablets hidden inside the side covers of the boot.

“Gqokoma was arrested on the spot and later released on warning pending an analysis of the drugs,” Mhlakuvana said.

The vehicle was seized for being instrumental in transporting drugs.

“Gqokoma was rearrested when the results of the test showed that the tablets were in fact drugs.”

The matter was then referred to the Hawks, while the AFU of the National Prosecuting Authority led the court action into the granting of the forfeiture order.

“The team was successful in having the Mercedes-Benz forfeited to the state.

“The criminal case is ongoing and was postponed to April 15.” 



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