Female tiger on the loose south of Johannesburg

A female tiger in India's Ranthambore National Park. Police and security forums are on the hunt for a tiger that escaped in Walkerville, south of Johannesburg, on Saturday night.
A female tiger in India's Ranthambore National Park. Police and security forums are on the hunt for a tiger that escaped in Walkerville, south of Johannesburg, on Saturday night.
Image: 123RF/ondrejprosicky

A team of trackers, police and residents are on the hunt for a female tiger that escaped from its cage in Walkerville, south of Johannesburg, and mauled two dogs and a man. 

The local community policing forum's (CPF) Gresham Mandy said the big cat escaped from its cage at a smallholding where it was being kept with a male. He said the owner claimed the fence had been cut and the animal escaped on Saturday night. 

Mandy said the animal attacked and killed a dog, before mauling another dog, which had to be put down. The tiger then attacked a man, who managed to escape without serious injury. 

He said the animal was a fully grown female.

This is a developing story.



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