Steenhuisen says ‘roadkill’ is probably his ex-wife in interview with MacG

DA leader John Steenhuisen confirmed his first marriage ended because of infidelity. File image.
DA leader John Steenhuisen confirmed his first marriage ended because of infidelity. File image.  
Image: Freddy Mavunda

When asked by radio DJ MacG what “roadkill” is, DA leader John Steenhuisen said it “sounds a lot like my ex-wife”.

The response elicited howls of laughter from MacG and co-host Sol Phenduka in the Podcast and Chill episode released on YouTube on Thursday. Steenhuisen then said it was a “flat chicken”.

For most of the interview, the hosts had engaged Steenhuisen on topics of general interest. The DA leader outlined his political vision and what needs to be done to improve the country’s fortunes, among other issues.

When the show reached the hour mark and they were about to finish, MacG asked Steenhuisen about his personal life. He replied he had a wonderful family who were a great source of strength and encouragement.

MacG asked Steenhuisen about his first marriage, and said he heard it broke down because of infidelity. Steenhuisen replied that was true.

“Yes, I met somebody. I fell in love with her and she is my wife.”

The last questions were designed to test how “ black you are”, according to MacG .

“We call it a black test.”

The question about roadkill was for the sake of the show, according to Mac G.



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