ANC conveys condolences to families of N2 bus crash victims

At least 28 people have been confirmed dead after a DMJ bus lost control and overturned on the N2 road between East London and Butterworth on Monday afternoon. Picture SUPPLIED
At least 28 people have been confirmed dead after a DMJ bus lost control and overturned on the N2 road between East London and Butterworth on Monday afternoon. Picture SUPPLIED

The ANC in the Eastern Cape has conveyed its condolences to the families of those who died in a horrific bus crash on the N2 road between East London and Butterworth on Monday afternoon.

At least 28 passengers had been declared dead and scores of other passengers were seriously injured.

It is alleged that the DMJ bus veered off the road on the N2 at the Kei Cuttings and rolled down the ravine.

ANC provincial secretary Lulama Ngcukayitobi said there were no words to describe the shock with which everyone received the sad and unfortunate reports of this tragic end to life.

“No effort should be spared in determining the cause of this horrific bus incident, we convey our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the families of passengers who lost their life,” he said. 

He also wished those admitted to the hospital a speedy recovery.

Ngcukayitobi urged the Road Transport Management Corporation (RTMC) to immediately expedite the investigations into the cause of this carnage and for the Road Accident Fund to give the family of the deceased and the injured the necessary support and comfort.



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