President Cyril Ramaphosa told journalists on Monday that former president Jacob Zuma, like everyone else, is free to vote for a party of his choice. File photo.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi
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Noted! That is the ANC’s reaction to its former president Jacob Zuma’s announcement that we will neither campaign nor vote for the party.

President Cyril Ramaphosa told journalists on Monday that Zuma, like everyone else, is free to vote for a party of his choice.

Ramaphosa was responding to questions from the media during a press conference the party held after a meeting with the delegations of United Ulama Council and SA Friends of Palestine.

While ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula indicated keenness to respond to a question about what action the party was going to take against Zuma, Ramaphosa preferred to answer the question himself. 

“We all listened to that announcement and we have noted what he has said, what he has announced and that is as far as we are prepared to go at this time,” said Ramaphosa.

“Everyone in our country is free to express themselves in relation to who they will vote for and why they will vote for them and we have noted what former president Jacob Zuma has announced.” 

Zuma announced on Saturday that he will not be voting for the ANC in the upcoming election — and will also not be campaigning for the party. The former ANC president, who has been a member of the party for 64 years, said his conscience could no longer allow him to vote for “the current ANC”.

“In 2024 I will vote for Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party — it has already been registered with the IEC, with my knowledge and blessings,” he said. 

“I have decided that I cannot and will not campaign for the ANC of [president Cyril] Ramaphosa. It is not the ANC I joined, it will be a betrayal to campaign for the ANC of Ramaphosa. My conscience will not allow that.

“I call on all South Africa to join me in voting for the MK party, or any progressive party that seeks total liberation and the return of our land to its rightful owners. This government is led by sell-outs and apartheid collaborators.”

Zuma listed several reasons for his decision to distance himself from the ANC — chief among which was that the ANC has been “reduced to an organisation that is hardly respected by those it sought to liberate”.

He emphasised, though, he would not be entirely deserting the party, saying: “I will die ANC.”

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